Wales Resilience

The First Minister for Wales chairs the Wales Resilience Forum. It supports good communication and improves emergency planning across agencies and services.

The Wales Resilience Partnership Team supports the Wales Resilience Forum. It does this through sub-groups to develop resilience across Wales in such areas as risk assessment and mass fatalities.

The Joint Emergency Services Group brings together all the emergency services in Wales. This includes NHS Wales, Welsh Government and armed forces at the most senior level. They consider their contribution to civil contingencies and counter-terrorism in Wales. They also address wider cross-service issues of joint interest.

At the local level, multi-agency Local Resilience Forums (LRFs) operate within the four Police Force areas. These are South Wales, North Wales, Dyfed-Powys and Gwent.

The LRFs bring together all responder organisations that have a duty to co-operate under the Civil Contingencies Act. The groups also include other organisations who would respond to an emergency. Together, they ensure they prepare for emergencies by working in a coordinated and effective way.